5 Frequently Asked Questions about Ketamine Therapy

If your current treatments for depression and anxiety aren’t providing the relief you need, ketamine infusion therapy may be the answer. This powerful treatment modality is clinically proven to help most people with these types of mental health issues. Plus, it’s administered in a safe environment by an experienced medical professional, so you can feel secure knowing that your well-being is being taken care of.

Perhaps you’ve heard of ketamine as an anesthetic or a recreational drug, but research in the last 20 years has established it as a viable treatment for mental health issues. When traditional psychotherapy and antidepressant medications cannot deliver, consider ketamine treatment for depression.

If you are new to ketamine depression treatment or are not sure if it’s the right choice for you, we’ll answer five frequently asked questions to help you make an informed choice:

1. What is ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic and analgesic for relieving acute pain. But unlike other anesthetics, it won’t suppress breathing and other vital functions. It is provided intravenously to treat PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental conditions.

Ketamine is also used in veterinary medicine to tranquilize animals like cats and horses. 

2. How does ketamine cure depression?

Ketamine’s distinct dissociative properties make it a valuable treatment for depression and mood disorders, effectively allowing users to feel removed from the reality of their current situation. If you’re depressed, anxious, suffering from PTSD, or having suicidal thoughts, ketamine treatment for depression can help improve your perspective of yourself and the world around you. This way, you can gain insight into current challenges and past trauma.

Some studies found that 75 percent of patients with severe and treatment-resistant depression stop having suicidal ideations. 

Ketamine treatment for depression improves the synaptic connections in your brain by activating the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway. Signaling that pathway triggers the healing of damaged synapses, especially in areas associated with memory, regulation of emotions, and learning, resulting in antidepressant effects. It also lets you experience a psychological healing process. Continuing your therapy may help you become more resilient to prevent your depression from returning.

Ketamine depression treatment also increases neuroplasticity in the brain by improving glutamate transmission to help neurons communicate through new pathways. Impaired neuroplasticity can cause and worsen depressive symptoms because it prevents the brain’s neural networks from changing through reorganization and growth. With ketamine, new connections are made to improve thought patterns and mood. The changes occur fast, making ketamine helpful in producing rapid antidepressant effects.

That said, you should not rely on ketamine infusion therapy alone. Do not stop taking other medications, even if you think they’re only helping partially. A doctor will review your current medications when you make your first appointment.

3. Does ketamine have any side effects?

Ketamine infusion therapy does not have any known long-term side effects, and any short-term adverse reactions are well-tolerated and minimal. Overall, the drug is safe to use in a clinical environment under the direct supervision of certified and trained medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and physician assistants.

4. How long will it take to work?

The time it takes for ketamine depression treatment to work varies from one person to another. Most patients feel better four hours to four days after their first treatment. According to data, around 67 percent of patients experience dramatic and rapid relief after therapy.

5. Where can I get ketamine therapy?

Are you looking to try ketamine infusion therapy for your depression and other mood disorders? Make an appointment with New Horizons Wellness We take a holistic approach to ketamine treatment for depression by focusing on advanced protocols and total body wellness, with safety and clinical excellence, to ensure the best results. Our team works closely with your mental health care provider to deliver optimum care.

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